Trapped In LOVE.**
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Saturday, March 21, 2009
~ 08:44 ~
let's review the pictures of Ms. Ong and her Friends...before tomorrow!!waha..

Regards Love..

~ 08:42 ~
waht will you do when you are confuse??


i am who i are who you are..


misses jeng! Lin! yun! zalina! Anna! mucky!!

all the best too MKo6o2!!wahaha.

Regards Love..

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
~ 11:32 ~
1stly, thanks Ms. Anna!! having "dinnar" (w) me!! love yax!!!whahaa

2ndly, thanks boss for your PRECIOUS time!!!whaha..

To BOSS: dun try so hard to be strong what a man...can be weak at times...i will forgive worries..meanwhile...dun think so much..everytime say okax. fine. very good...dumb lah...who will always and eveyday good de...i very smart de okax!!! since you dun like hypocrites..backstabbers..liars..bitches..bastards...i shall put a curse okax...whoever of the above must be 1 000 000 000m away from BOSS, now and always!=]=]

AND, but times..must have 1 or 2 those not very nice people in life to let you experience yax... if too much then tell me..i smash them for BOSS.whaha...=]=] cheers yax...

P.S must inside and outside, both happy...or else i will smash you first....=]=]

muackx to everyone out there..enjoy life..

Ms. SJ Tan, Ms. XL Tok, Ms. SH Chen, Ms. SY Than, Ms. zalina!! muackx!!whaha..cyax soon

Regards Love..

Thursday, March 05, 2009
~ 08:12 ~

My friend said that she feels that I lost my heart... am i really not the person that everyone sees me as..? am i not?
i am at times confuse as well...perhaps.It's not lost heart. i lost my soul. since 6 years ago. i lost my soul. only yesterday i realised that i've been living without my in'self. thanks for reminding
lend me your shoulder...make me cry please.i have been very happy before...until last christmas.i felt so far away from you...never before. you make me never love a person seriously..i have been hurting others. you make me hurt others and you hurt me as you know that...will you feel the pain if i am pain??

be it that there's someone inside you all the while. be it that i never ever so close to you all the while....just to let you know...i will treat you as my everest good friend like never before. so please treasure yax..i will not miss you. i will not cry for you. i will not want you so much, never again. thanks.

because of you, i have no courage to love others...i always face those that loves me with mask. not me at all.. even though i know that's not myself, i dun think i've did anything wrong. but to think about it, aren't this unfair to me... you have been hurting my and taking me along with you without yourself to notice. not WHY. not WHY NOT. but NOT AGAIN. i'm going to find what that belongs to me in you. so...thanks for being my friend...and sincerely hope you never will appear here as something upset, or anything like that again.

i wonder i will regret saying all this words..but still..take care yax..

well......turning 20 years old!! wahha....miss yax all my friends...

all the best for you...

and as for my up soon!!muackx..still happy ever after.

Regards Love..


weLcome to my worLd
welcome welcom... stay happy and cheers...

Talking about me?..hmmm

Who? It's serene
And she's? 19 15th Mar
That's +65 9855 4747

Once In Love

This is my world and here you are....with me..
Never be hurt. stay close...
A world with no pain.
A world of love..and you..


and You
health of all
and etccc

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1.Tutoring/ coaching
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2. distribute flyers
*S$20-30 per 1000
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*area will be alocated
to your convenience *contact: 9855 4747



xlin's onlineshop

fish8 inFinity

his fav's time!

sweet suite

spree dynamic

It's all about shopping!!


Whisper & tell me you love me..i'll listen close

AngelS in love












Listen to the rhythm

yet to be operated!! so please wait patiently


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Sad and Sorrows..

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